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Working into Media Daybooks: Communications Planning
Daybooks are event calendars posted by wire services and larger news organizations in Washington, DC that list each day's area news events. Basic details are given for each event, including: location, time, speaker and contact person. Editors use daybooks to assign reporters and photographers to events they've chosen to cover.
Daybooks Quick Tips
Fax or e-mail your media advisory to the daybook editor no later than noon the day before the event. Listings for the following day start to appear about 2:00 p.m. Check the listings to make sure yours is posted and is accurate.
If the event is occurring outside Washington, call the Associated Press (AP) wire-service bureau in that location and send a media advisory to its daybook. Phone numbers for AP bureaus are listed in the Media Database or can be found on the AP Web site.
Weekly Daybook Quick Tips
If you have enough lead time before an event (five days is ideal), fax or e-mail your advisory no later than noon on Thursday of the week before the event. Weekly listings start to appear about 1:30 p.m. on Fridays. Check the listings to make sure yours is posted and is accurate.
If an event is listed on the weekly daybook, it will automatically be listed on the daily daybook, too.
DC Daybooks
After faxing/e-mailing, call and ask to speak to the daybook editor to make sure the information was received and will be placed on the daybook.
Associated Press (highest priority): Fax to 202/736-9699 or E-mail [email protected]; Phone 202/736-9696.
Congressional Monitor (This daily morning newsletter accepts event listings up to 48 hours before they occur): Fax to 202/419-8753; Phone 202/887-8515.Federal News Service (Also goes to Washington Times, National Journal; Roll Call and others): Fax to 301/429-2752 or E-mail to [email protected]; Phone 202/544-4812.
Reuters: Fax to 202/898-8401; Phone 202/898-8345.
Washington Times: Fax to 202/544-4825. E-mail and phone numbers same as Federal News Service.
United Press International (UPI): Prefers E-mail to [email protected] (doesn't accept faxes); Phone 202/898-8291.
June 29, 2004 in GMT Tips and Tricks, Media Training, Message Development, Online Press Rooms | Permalink
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