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Effects of Internet Technology in the 2004 Election
Link: N-TEN Forecast: The Effects of Internet Technology in the 2004 Election.
Democrats are also seeking efficiency through Internet technology. Union members in Minnesota affiliated with the AFL-CIO are using bar coded sheets to record voter information that are then scanned into a database. In addition, the organization America Coming Together has experimented with Palm Pilots to record the same type of voter profile information, while at the same time show short video clips of neighbors talking about top issues. The Bush campaign is mobilizing and motivating its supporters to get out the vote (GOTV) through its popular GOPTeamLeader, a site that rewards its member with prizes ranging from mouse pads and bags to a fleece pullover emblazoned with the site’s logo, for actively participating in the campaign by taking polls or writing letters to their newspaper’s editor in support of the president 5. Our preliminary research has found that both the Bush and Kerry campaigns have quickly focused in on the ability for average citizen to effectively help motivate others to vote for their preferred candidate. This approach is not novel, but rather is a combination of traditional grassroots politics and a new layer of Internet technology. Dean’s campaign showed that if supporters are both willing and motivated to make a change, a strategic Internet campaign can effectively mobilize an army of foot soldiers read
November 22, 2004 | Permalink
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