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Pitch Call Tips

Be succinct and persuasive. Since journalists are busy, you have only a minute or two to state your purpose. If you're following up an advisory or press release, explain the essentials of your event, including why they should cover it. Ask if they have a few minutes—if so, you can go into more detail.

Make your calls in the morning. This gives you a better chance of talking to reporters instead of their machines. It's also when most editors and producers decide what to cover in their evening news or next-day's paper. Afternoons in newsrooms mean deadlines, when no one has time to talk.

Follow up with written information. Send another copy of your advisory or press release, if it's needed. Ask if there are other materials (fact sheets, speeches, etc.) you can provide. Double-check fax numbers and e-mail addresses.

Use pitch calls to build relationships. Get to know the journalists who cover your field. Make a habit of calling them with your group's response to breaking news and with quotes for their stories. Suggest possible interviews with experts, as well as "ordinary" people who give a human face to complex issues. You can also suggest getting together to discuss additional story ideas and angles.

November 22, 2004 in GMT Tips and Tricks | Permalink


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