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Americans Back Bush Environmental Policies?

This is simply the strongest indictment of environmental communication strategy I have seen. It is really time the groups and movement get serious about communications strategy, communications efforts and helping the public connect the dots.

From Greenwire:

A Washington Post-ABC News poll released earlier this week showed that 49 percent of respondents approved of the president's policies and 45 percent disapproved. A USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll last week placed his approval rate at 49 percent and 44 percent disapproving.

A separate Gallup poll released this week showed that only 31 percent of Americans believe the president improved the quality of the environment during his first term and only 39 percent believe he will do so during the second term.

The approval numbers in the Post-ABC and USA Today polls are higher than those given Bush on several other major issues, including the economy, the war in Iraq, Social Security, the budget deficit and immigration policy. Neither poll asked for the public's view on the administration's energy policy.

The polls come after four years in which Bush's environmental policies were repeatedly attacked by major conservation groups, and after a re-election campaign in which Bush's opponent, Democrat Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts described Bush as one of the most anti-environmental presidents in history.

Environmentalists say the poll data reflect the president's general level of support and, despite the millions of dollars environmental groups spent in the campaign, few Americans know much about the president's environmental policies.

January 21, 2005 in Current Affairs | Permalink


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