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Tips from the True Spin Conference: Do Progressives Suck at PR?
GMT staff members attended the True Spin Conference in Denver in the beginning of February. The following post is from Yvonne Archer.
One of the conference's workshops asked the question, "Do progressives suck at PR?". Each person on the workshop's panel had their own answer and tips on improving our PR methods.
Diane Farsetta of PR Watch (and Source Watch) explained that progressives need to think about the tactics we use when it comes to PR. We don't want to feed into compromising news media. We have to worry enough about astroturfing and fake news that we don't want to undermine democracy and our own credibility. PR Watch, a quarterly investigative journal, and the Center for Media & Democracy, a public interest group that helps to expose spin and propoganda, are helping to track PR methods and stop deceptive techniques. Diane explains that we need to be aware of our own techniques so that progressives can maintain their credibility.
Michael Roberts, a reporter at Westword in Colorado, answered the looming question with a yes. Far too often we do suck. Michael recieves many local press releases that are either humorless or lacking a theme or message. Progressives need to realize that humor can be a major selling point. Our press releases don't need to be dry and they should be short and to the point. Get to the message quickly and don't ramble on about our issues.
Dave Kopel, of the Independence Institute, is also a reporter and had a slightly different view than Michael. He recieves national releases and has gotten fairly good releases from both sides of the political spectrum. He explains that progressives need to remember to make it easy for the reporter. Include contact and supporting information in our releases. While we may not think so, we are as good at PR as the "other side." We need to "celebrate the diverse PR environment we live in."
Kathy Bonk of the Communications Consortium Media Center answered the question of whether progressives suck at PR with, "it depends." We have to face a lot of challenges. We don't like to do the "Swift Boat" response and we know we aren't good at it. What we need to do instead is know how to get the word out on our issues. We have so many avenues: blogs, editorials, etc. Kathy explained that progressives are going to have to deal with reporters/outlets that won't print/report our issues. We need to dig deeper and find the reporters/outlets who will.
The panel had several other great tips to help progressives with their PR approach. Repitition is key. You need to repeat your message over and over and make sure the same message is coming from all sources. When sending your release, no attachments and text is better than html. Email seems to be the main mode of transport for releases, but Dave explained that print can be a great and nice way to send them if they aren't urgent.
Dave and Michael had differing views on pitches by phone. Michael has been getting fewer phone calls and still thinks they work. He would like to recieve them just as much as email because they can help in creating a relationship with a reporter. Make sure you know about the reporter you are calling and the message you are trying to convey. Don't have your interns call! Dave, on the other hand, doesn't want phone calls. He is fine with email. He suggests offering a call if the reporter needs more information, but Dave normally follows up by email. Dave and Michael's differing views highlight that media is not monolithic. Every reporter is different, so progressives need to adapt their approach to each contact and learn about the person they are contacting.
February 8, 2006 in Media Training | Permalink
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