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Green Corps 2007-2008 Environmental Leadership Program
Apply for the Green Corps 2007-2008 Environmental Leadership Program. Full details are below:
Early Application Deadline Friday, January 19, 2007. Regional application deadlines available at http://www.greencorps.org.
Green Corps: Our full-time, paid Environmental Leadership Training Program gives you a year of in-depth training and experience with leading environmental groups like the Sierra Club, League of Conservation Voters, and Greenpeace.
Organization. Green Corps is the non-profit Field School for Environmental Organizing, founded by leading environmentalists in 1992 to identify and train environmental leaders. Our year-long program includes intensive classroom training, hands-on experience running urgent environmental and public health campaigns, and placement in permanent leadership positions with leading environmental and social change groups.
Training. Our intensive classroom training features workshops such as Global Warming Strategy, Corporate Accountability Campaigns, Community Organizing Against Toxic Threats and Effective Media: Messaging and Framing. Workshops are lead by the nation's top environmental and social change leaders, such as Adam Ruben, Political Director of MoveOn.org, Bob Bingaman, National Field Director of Sierra Club, and Ross Gelbspan, climate change expert and author of The Heat is On and Boiling Point. Our field training puts you on the front lines of today's most urgent environmental campaigns.
Locations & Dates: Our campaigns take place nationwide. The program begins in August 2007, with the Introductory Classroom Training in Boston, and concludes with graduation in August 2008.
Responsibilities. Plan and implement a series of critical environmental campaigns with groups like Rainforest Action Network, Sierra Club and Greenpeace. You will secure media coverage, recruit and manage volunteers/interns, train new leaders, and mobilize grassroots pressure.
Career Development. Our graduates are in high demand and quickly find jobs working on issues they care about. Upon completion of the training program, Green Corps will connect you to organizations that are seeking full-time professional staff. Green Corps' graduates hold leadership positions with MoveOn.org, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Global Exchange, Rainforest Action Network, Natural Resources Defense Council, Friends of the Earth, ForestEthics, and many other environmental and progressive groups.
Qualifications. We will invite 25 recent college graduates to join Green Corps in 2007-2008. We are looking for people who are serious about saving the planet, have demonstrated leadership experience, and want to work for change over the long haul.
Salary & Benefits. Salary of $23,750. Optional group health care coverage, paid sick days and holidays, two weeks paid vacation, and a student loan repayment program for qualifying staff.
Application Process. To apply for Green Corps' 2007-2008 Environmental Leadership Training Program, fill out our online application. Regional deadlines, campus interview dates, and online application are at www.greencorps.org.
Contact. Jesse Littlewood, Recruitment Director, at [email protected], or 617-426-8506.
January 16, 2007 in Training | Permalink
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In response to Jenny Bedell-Stiles. (Most of my information comes from contacts in the Boston area.) Green Corps in an internship thus you are interns learning to be organizers. As far as those wanting to bolt. Time will tell but my money is on more interns leaving the program before their 12 months has been served.
Posted by: victimswatch61 at Apr 7, 2007 9:20:35 AM
I wanted to respond to victimswatch61. I'm currently in the Green Corps class of 2007. Yes, it is true that our current class of Green Corps Organizers (not interns) is down to 7 from the original 19. However (and I'm not sure where you're getting your information from) there are none that are "ready to bolt given the chance." Like any job, you may quit Green Corps at any point you choose. If anyone's actually reading this and has questions about the program, I can put you in contact with current organizers myself included, as well as those who have quit. Feel free to give me a shout: [email protected], (541) 554-1788.
Posted by: Jenny Bedell-Stiles at Mar 3, 2007 7:41:26 PM
Before hooking up with Green Corps you should talk to the current interns with Green Corps! Including any that have quit and/or been fired to get the true story of this internship. The current class of interns, (06-07), after just the first six months has lost 12 of the original 19. ( Only seven left ) With several other interns ready to bolt given the chance. You need to see the real reason why this has happened.
Posted by: victimswatch61 at Feb 2, 2007 9:34:45 AM