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A Successful Event at the Capitol
I had the benefit of attending the recent Climate Crisis Action Day on Capitol Hill. This was the first time I'd attended an event like this and was great to see some of our members and other environmental groups in action. I had the chance to meet with the Wilderness Society and the Alaska Wilderness League. All groups involved did a great job of setting up and promoting this event! It was great to see our members working together to make a day like this happen.
It was exciting to be a part of it and see the hundreds of people that attended. There was a wide range of speakers, from Senators John Kerry and Barbara Boxer to Weasel, a DJ for DC's 94.7 the Globe, the first ever "green" radio station. One speaker, Mollie Passacantando, was especially inspiring. Mollie is a third grader here in DC who began gathered her friends and began protesting global warming during recess after reading about its effect on polar bears. When she didn't think that was enough, she enlisted her father's help and started a blog to promote the issue. This just shows that at any age you can do advocacy work. It can also show groups that you can push actions out to any age group. Everyone has something they are passionate about.
You can view photos of the event on flickr, posted by the Climate Crisis Action Day Team. And read more about the event here.
If you have any feedback about this event, leave a comment!
-Yvonne Archer
March 22, 2007 in Environment | Permalink
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