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Blueprint NC Seeks Communications Coordinator

Job Announcement for Communications Coordinator
Blueprint NC

Blueprint NC is a partnership of state-level public policy, advocacy, and grassroots organizing groups dedicated to achieving a better, fairer, healthier North Carolina through the development of an integrated communications, civic engagement, and policy strategy. Organizations involved represent a diverse range of issues, including the environment, poverty, community development, affordable housing, reproductive rights, immigrant rights, education, children’s issues, criminal justice, and more. They are united by the shared values of justice, equality, responsibility, fairness, community, opportunity, shared prosperity, democracy, and hope.

Blueprint North Carolina works to increase public awareness of and involvement in public policy. The major areas of work for the coalition include communications (finding ways to better communicate policy messages to people across the state) and civic engagement (building the capacity of nonprofit organizations across the state to engage their constituents in issues that affect their lives).
The Communications Coordinator’s duties include:

Communications Capacity Building:
- Provide one-on-one communications planning and tactical assistance to participating organizations.
- Organize trainings on communications planning and media relations
- Assist organizations in integrating messaging research into their own communications efforts
- Manage communication tools and information section on Blueprint website.

Media Relations:
- Coordinate communications about policy research among partner groups.
- Help organizations with media relations around report releases and events.
- Work with partner groups to proactively create and place news stories.
- Coordinate Blueprint’s messaging with its civic and voter engagement efforts.

Message development:
- Work with Blueprint groups and external communications firm(s) to develop language that influences public opinion.
- Stay on top of national research on progressive messaging.
- Develop and execute a messaging research plan involving polling and focus groups.


The ideal candidate will have a unique combination of skills and interests that include strong knowledge of strategic communications with the media and policymakers and a commitment to building the communications capacity of other organizations. Specific qualifications include:
- A demonstrated commitment to the shared values of Blueprint NC organizations and experience working with social justice efforts.
- At least 5 years of experience in journalism and/or public relations.
- Highly skilled in the strategic use of communications tools and tactics for advancing policy.
- Familiarity with media in North Carolina and related connections and relationships and a general understanding of the state and its unique regional differences.
- Excellent and proven writing skills.
- Understanding and experience with message framing and development.
- Experience linking messaging to civic engagement efforts (e.g., voter registration, Get Out the Vote).
- Experience with polling – developing and interpreting results.
- Ability to communicate and build strong working relationships with a range of nonprofit organizations – from grassroots groups to state-level policy organizations.
- Willingness to travel throughout North Carolina.
- Good personal organization, time management and planning skills, along with a demonstrated aptitude for taking the initiative on projects.
- Able to work well as a team member with other organizational staff, steering committee, and general membership of coalition.
- Strong preference for Triangle-based location. (NC Justice Center in Raleigh serves as fiscal agent.)

The Communications Coordinator will report to the Project Director. Offices are located at the NC Justice Center, the project’s fiscal agent. Staff members are on the Justice Center’s payroll and benefits plan (health insurance, dental insurance, and retirement).
People of color encouraged to apply. Salary dependent on experience.

How to Apply

If you have questions please contact Julie Mooney at [email protected].
Please mail by post (not email) a cover letter and resume as soon as possible. Position open until filled. Send to:
Julie Mooney
Blueprint NC
NC Justice Center
224 S. Dawson St.
Raleigh, NC 27601

March 12, 2007 in Employment | Permalink


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