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Ringtones as a conversation starter?

Bobbi's previous post about non profits using print ads in the Metro to encourage riders to text about important issues made me think about my daily commute via the Metro to work. Every ride someone's cell phone goes off. A loved one is calling to check in on when the cell phone owner will be home, or when they should meet for drinks, or how come they are running so late. And every time the cell phone rings, I hear a new tone. Whether it's someone's favorite song, or the opening tune from a TV show, or, quite creatively, someone yelling, "Pick up!".

Here's another great way for non profits to share their message with the masses. Why not create a ringtone for your organization and have your supporters download it? More than once I've been tempted to ask the person next to me where they downloaded their unique ringtone. And I've heard other commuters ask the same to their neighbor. It's a great way to start a conversation - someone asks one of your supporters where they downloaded that ringtone of a tiger growling, or ocean waves crashing. Your supporter then explains how they can go to your website and download it in support.

It may even spark a conversation between two people about an important issue, and your message has now been passed on.

Check out a few ways ringtones are being used on the MobileActive blog.

-Yvonne Archer

July 16, 2007 in Advocacy | Permalink


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