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Restore America's Estuaries Seeks Communications Specialist

Restore America’s Estuaries
Communications Specialist Position Description

Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE) is the nations leading non-profit conservation organization dedicated to preserving the nation’s network of estuaries by protecting and restoring the lands and waters essential to the richness and diversity of coastal life. For more information on RAE, please see our website www.estuaries.org.

The Communications Specialist will assist senior RAE staff in developing and implementing our outreach program. The position reports directly to the Senior Director of Development.
Duty Station: Arlington, VA

The Communications Specialist will work with the RAE team to develop and implement an outreach program that promotes RAE’s habitat restoration work; and engages the broader community of non-profits, agencies and corporations involved in habitat restoration work. Main responsibilities will include:

• Maintenance and marketing of RAE websites: www.estuaries.org and www.restorationmarketplace.org; and RAE restoration job board
• Promotion of habitat restoration and funding by keeping our partners and allies informed about important legislation and other restoration-related initiatives
• Facilitating communications among RAE members for various programs
• Production and distribution of RAE newsletters, annual reports, brochures, etc.
• Marketing and Promotion of communication materials for bi-annual RAE National Conference.
• Management of physical and electronic data (e.g. photos, presentations, marks, trademarks, etc.)
• Assisting RAE executives in outreach to media (print, broadcast, and web)
• Managing special projects as needed, such as research projects, reports, and meetings
• Assisting RAE staff on developing proposals for funding of outreach-related projects
• And other projects and tasks as assigned

• Exceptional written and interpersonal communication skills.
• Experience in website development and management
• Self-starting, self-managing, and comfortable in small office environment.
• Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent
• Knowledgeable with various software programs (Photoshop, Publisher)
• At least three years related work experience, preferably in a non-profit environment

Competitive salary and excellent benefits package, consistent with Restore America's Estuaries’ personnel policies, including but not limited to health insurance, retirement plan and vacation.

General Characteristics:
Restore America's Estuaries is a drug-free and smoke-free workplace, and an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, minorities and people of color are encouraged to apply. This position could be a full-time or flex-time position, depending on the qualifications of the candidate.

To Apply:
Please send resume, two writing samples, cover letter, and salary requirements to [email protected].

August 15, 2007 in Employment | Permalink


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