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Climate conference planned for October in New Hampshire!
Climate conference planned for October in New Hampshire
Citizens, businesses, conservationists and policy makers to convene in Manchester, New Hampshire this October. Prior to the First in the Nation Presidential Primary, leaders in business, energy, investments, climate science, and conservation will come together to discuss US climate policy at the Global Warming and Energy Solutions conference here October 12 and 13th.
“A solid majority of New Hampshire citizens consider global warming a serious threat that demands solutions,” said Adam Markham, executive director of Clean Air - Cool Planet, which will host the pre-primary event at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester. “Less than 3 months before the primary, this conference will be the best single opportunity to share solutions, communicate opportunities and challenges and thereby inform the global warming plans of the next President of the United States.”
Presidential candidates from both parties have been invited to attend and communicate their priorities for action on climate change and energy security. The conference will feature experts on federal and state climate policy, alternative energy sources, and paths to climate neutrality. Speakers include PSEG Chairman and CEO Ralph Izzo; Dr.Berrien Moore, director of the Complex Systems Research Center at the University of New Hampshire; author and activist Bill McKibben; National Wildlife Federation President Larry Schweiger; and Stonyfield Farm President and CEO Gary Hirshberg.
The Clean Air - Cool Planet Climate Champion Awards will be presented at a reception Friday evening. Workshops will focus on adapting to a warmer climate; implications for wildlife; action in the retail sector; demand-side savings for residents and businesses; and renewable energy potential in the Northeast
For more information or to register, visit www.cleanair-coolplanet.org.
If you are going to be in New Hampshire this fall, or this sounds like the conference for you, then register! Help us in supporting our members.
September 4, 2007 in Advocacy | Permalink
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