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Vote for the Best Nonprofit Taglines of 2008

Vote for the Best Nonprofit Taglines -- 2008 Getting Attention Nonprofit Tagline Awards

Place your vote today for the first Getting Attention Nonprofit Tagline Awards. These tagline finalists have been carefully culled from the more than 1,050 taglines submitted to the recent Getting Attention Tagline Survey. They're all fantastic, but they all can't be the best.

The organizations behind these taglines have done a fantastic job in putting eight words or less to work to build their brands. Now it's your turn to select which are the best in class.

Vote today – Getting Attention blogger and e-news publisher Nancy Schwartz (www.gettingattention.org) wants to know what you think. It'll take you 7minutes or less; polls close Friday, June 20th.

P.S. Please spread the word to colleagues; the more votes, the more accurate the results.

June 4, 2008 in Message Development | Permalink


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